Tale Of An Angus Pub

Tale Of An Angus Pub

Today of all days, September 19th 2014, may be - for diverse reasons- a good day to talk about pubs. Many people, for different reasons, may find themselves in a ‘boozer’ over the weekend, as if some of us needed an excuse! #indyref Anyway, if anyone has ever drunk in an Angus pub, you may be interested in an amusing tale. Story 2 in ‘My Life Through Colin and other stories’ is set in an Angus pub. For sake of argument it is called Amigos. There’s a ‘larger than life’ central character, his dog called Peem, bandits, Craig Brewster and a jar of mussels. Oh, and Beyonce sneaks in there as well. So, if you’ve ever been in an Angus pub, you may empathise with this. It may even make you want to go to an Angus pub, if you are not already in one...

Download a copy here, price 81p. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Through-Colin-other-stories-ebook/dp/B00NLNWJKM/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1410896631&sr=1-1&keywords=my+life+through+colin

PS: I have been in an Angus pub, I think, at least, maybe twice. In fact, when is the date of the next Forfar 24?

Writing Biography

Kenneth Paul Stephen

Kenneth Paul Stephen is an award-winning short story writer, journalist and PR consultant.
In 2010 he won the David Toulmin short story prize.
In 2011/2012 he won a Scottish Book Trust New Writer award.
In 1977, he won a drawing competition at Butlins (his proudest career achievement to date).
His short stories have been published in leading literary magazines and anthologies.
He is the founder of Heartland Media and PR. His clients include Scotland’s gamekeepers, Penguin UK and crime authors James Oswald and Ed James.

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