A Massive Festive Thank You to Special People

A Massive Festive Thank You to Special People

With Christmas a day away, I’d like to pass on a sincere thanks to everyone who has patiently put up with my nonsensical stream-of-consciousness blogs in 2014, the occasional silliness, the even more frequent forays into Scottish politics and the inevitable mentions of sheep and other grazing animals of hill and fank. Thanks, too, to all the people who have sent interesting facts/titbits/videos about sheep including the world’s funniest.

I’ve had a lot of fun. There’s been a lot of hard work, some low moments with digital mobi files (thanks Ed the saviour, you know who you are) and some high points. I’d also like to pass on a heart-felt thank you to everyone who has purchased the first two e-books in the Forgotten Scotland Mini-reads series, those who have attended the talks (being very polite in humouring me) and, in general, been a big part of the success of this project, to date. Without independent readers, there would be no independent writers, so ta. Big ta. With the pints I am due, a micro-brewery project in the shed may be the only way to pay my liquid dues in 2015. (In fact, come to think of it, that’s not a bloody bad idea, anyway, is it?).

Thanks, too, to cover designer Brian Copeland and PR guru, Stephen Rafferty. Stars of (computer) screen, sports field and bar room.

In 2015 the next two books in the series will be available on Amazon. 50 Degrees North (in progress) will be the first, so keep checking the website and reading the blogs/social media for updates and news. There are a couple of events already in the diary so it promises to be another full year. A couple of very good friends suggested casually, over a beer, at the Deer Shed Festival in North Yorkshire last year that we should set up an ‘alternative’ festival book reading. I’m not prepared to can that idea just yet, either.

Anyway, get your fake antlers on and party like the kids are at the baby-sitters. Oh, and if the kids don’t get you at 6am in the morning… Police Scotland will.

If you don’t have a present yet for mum/dad/granny/the bidie-in/etc, etc, for £1.60, you can download Sheep and Other Stories and My Life Through Colin and Other Stories for them on their Kindles, lap-tops, PCs, Macs or phones.

Here’s the relevant links for the books (below).

There’s also another link where you can download a free Reader App, if you don’t have a Kindle.

Don’t eat yellow snow and try to avoid rail-lines where there is a liberal distribution of leaves. Merry Christmas and a totally fab New Year.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sheep-Other-Stories-Forgotten-Mini-reads- ebook/dp/B00LNM8X6C/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_1



Writing Biography

Kenneth Paul Stephen

Kenneth Paul Stephen is an award-winning short story writer, journalist and PR consultant.
In 2010 he won the David Toulmin short story prize.
In 2011/2012 he won a Scottish Book Trust New Writer award.
In 1977, he won a drawing competition at Butlins (his proudest career achievement to date).
His short stories have been published in leading literary magazines and anthologies.
He is the founder of Heartland Media and PR. His clients include Scotland’s gamekeepers, Penguin UK and crime authors James Oswald and Ed James.

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