
Blog - Latest News | Kenneth Paul Stephen

Read the blogs, latest news of Kenneth Paul Stephen the author of the Forgotten Scotland Mini-reads series.

There Will Be Seals | Blog - Latest News

Listen. I can absolutely promise there will be seals. I can also promise one will look like the late Freddie Mercury.

Thanks | Blog - Latest News of Kenneth Paul Stephen

A big ta goes out to all of you out there who have made this week the best so far for downloads of ‘Sheep and Other Stories’.

Publicly Speaking | Blog - Latest News

Probably to the embarrassment of everyone who knows me, I have had a bit of publicity recently in some local press.

The Things You Miss | Blog - Latest News

I missed the opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. I have this habit of being out of the country when major celebrations of nationhood crank up.

Panic… and The Next Cover | Blog - Latest News

Today, I got the sweats. It wasn't particularly hot. Those calendar sweats. Those ones when you realise you've only actually got 3 weeks to complete a major project.

Tale of An Angus Pub | Blog - Latest News

Today of all days, September 19th 2014, may be - for diverse reasons- a good day to talk about pubs. Many people, for different reasons…

But I Don't Have a Kindle | Blog - Latest News

Some people, quite rightly, have pointed out the fact they don't have a Kindle and, therefore, couldn't read 'Sheep and Other Stories', even if they wanted to.

Breaking News: 'My Life Through Colin & Other Stories' Out Now!

I am delighted to announce that Book 2 in the Forgotten Scotland Mini-reads series, ‘My Life Through Colin and other stories’ is now available on Amazon, priced 81p.

I attended a launch party, but don't know if I did

I attended a launch party, but don't know if I did. The whole party thing is getting a bit confusing.

At Least My Friends Are Talented | Blog - Latest News

John Donne was right: No man is an island. We are wrongly shaped for a start, though, if we were, I'd probably get Unst while everyone else grabbed a share of Jersey.

A Massive Festive Thank You to Special People

With Christmas a day away, I’d like to pass on a sincere thanks to everyone who has patiently put up with my nonsensical stream-of-consciousness.

Homecoming: What's the distance between Padanaram and Forfar?

Blog, Latest News | Homecoming: what's the distance between Paddy and Forfar?

Blog - Latest News | Talking and things…

I will be talking about my ‘growing up in Angus’ influences in ‘Sheep and other Stories’

Tractors and a fairly bad pair of shorts

Today, in the Courier, I was described as a 'grown up author' which is probably about the first time anyone has referred to me as grown up.

The Longer Thing (Ahem — All Will Be Revealed)

Please forgive me. I am not good at keeping promises. I am not, like, a liar, as such, it’s just that I get distracted and then there is a sort of …shuffling.

Sheep and Other Stories- now available on Amazon

Well, here it is. At long last, the first Forgotten Scotland mini-read entitled, 'Sheep and Other Stories'.

Ostrich Impressions And The Kingdom Of Fife

The Ryder Cup made me do 2 things... 1/ Today, it made me spend the morning with my children doing impressions of lemurs and an ostrich at Camperdown Zoo.

Oops, I'll better do something

It always happens and I shouldn't do it. No way. From time to time, I do, and I always feel alarmed. Bad mistake! Error, repeat.

On the changing of popular sayings

Who’s for a proposal to amend a popular saying? Time flies when you are having fun.

New Cover For Sheep And Other Stories

I am delighted to announce that, thanks to the creative design skills of Brian Copeland of Graphic Clinic, 'Sheep and Other Stories'

Nearly There — Sorry For the Faff

After a few weeks of 'faffing' in the way only I can faff, the first Forgotten Scotland Mini-read is nearly there.

Christmas Blog — 2014: The Snowglobe

Christmas approaches and 2014 is drawing its last. Judging by some of the illnesses kicking round my house, it will wheeze and cough its way out.